So eons after procrastination, eons after not bothering to even move a muscle to blog something, I recently hit upon an blog idea. The reason I didnt Blog?????
I dont know, maybe it was writer's block, maybe it was no motivation, or simply maybe I was just plain lazy!!! Bottom line, I just didnt do justice at all to this wonderful location.
This is an attempt to change it........................
What is this about???? As the title says, Delhi is not far now, yes, not far.... not in distant future, but a more closer forseeable one!!!
More than 3 years it has been.......
After Aug 22nnd, I never realised that it would have to wait this long, never realised that setting foot on our soil is going to an eon!!!
The day I got some of my best roommates, that was the last time I was in India.................
Last time until now, until this year.................. until this week!!
Finally its all changed..... Never knew the route to India the next time after Aug 2003 would take a de tour through Canada, through Vancouver but it has, this is how it had to happen!!!!!
I would just like to share with you all the good feeling, actually a more relieved feeling that my visa stamping is finally done, finally I can leave the country and return in peace, and finally I get to go to India again after this long break!!
October 5th thursday I got my visa in vancouver, a relatively uneventful one at that. He literally saw no document except my employment verification letter and all he asked me was whether I completed my studies in USA, and what is my current work about. That was it, a short very brief but a smooth ride and after that I was set free to go and enjoy the joyous beauty of Vancouver. That completed, I confirmed my ticket to travel to India. I am leaving on saturday the 14th October (yes coming saturday) and return 3 weeks after. Its going to be another short trip, but hopefully it will be a pleasant one this time.
Meanwhile, I guess its time I end this one, until next time, and hopefully this time too in the near forseeable future, I bid adieu to one and all!!!!!!!!!